Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Creating Customized Calendars

So it's Tuesday night again, and here in Dunedin I'm at the Socially Constructed Media Workshops; the secret to my success!

I asked about calendars... and I'm about to learn, here's how to do it yourself if you're interested:
Looks like we'll be using Google Calendar for this mission; here's what Wikipedia has to say:
Step 1; Open up google, log in & click the Calendar link on the top left; here's your calendar!
Step 2; Start adding events (fairly self explanatory)
Step 3; Now... to customize your calendar - you'll want to find the little section on the left titled 'My calendars' in a pretty little box. At the bottom left there's a link to 'settings' click here; choose the calendar that you're working on and in here you can do all these interesting little things;
- change the title
- add a description
- change the timezone
- & ACCESS THE EMBED CODE! - you may have noticed (which I didn't) the calendar might not fit into your medium - this blogs width is 400 (but the calendar width was 800). To change this; above the code you'll see a wee customize link - go here and go wild!
Step 4; copy the embed code now and paste away (see below).


1 comment:

  1. You could also add this as a side bar thing... gadget etc
    Just adjust the size to the correct width.
