Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Google Reader un-Raveled

So I've just learned that google is a lot more than a search engine; upon realizing this (initially feeling very sheepish) I also realized that I'm not the only one oblivious to this fact.
One very cool little tool that hides up on the top left of the google page is called 'Reader'. This tool helps synthesize the many different blogs that you may wish to keep up-to-date with.

When you sign in to google reader (to do this you'll need to create a gmail account; make it a good one because you'll be using it a lot with all the neat google products that are around!). If you're serious about creating a presence for yourself on the web you might like to choose something you can maintain consistency with across many mediums. I've already made my life complicated with a gmail account of labes.chris@gmail.com and my blog of chrislabes.blogspot.com but alas; we live & learn!

So, sign in to gmail & then into google reader; you will see an area for 'add a subscription'; in here you can type key words to search for content that you're interested in (or paste in a url of a relevant blog); I put in MBA Otago. If you find something that looks interesting you can preview the posts & you can subscribe to it. Now when you log into your reader you'll see if/when a new post has been added to the blog you're now following.

Enjoy your reader; remember to sign in each day & keep searching for more blogs to subscribe to,



An online forum whereby anyone can log in and update content... great place to start any research particularly if you're looking for a quick & dirty description/definition.

Also worth checking anything that interests you to ensure content is up-to-date and accurate! Might like to check out The Otago MBA on wikipedia.


First Lesson

So, a blog as defined by wikipedia is (a contraction of the term "weblog")[1] is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.

This is in effect an open site on the web where I write things (and in time post videos, images etc) and people can read/view them. I have my own URL address; www.chrislabes.blogspot.com and anyone can view this... interesting


The Aim of this Blog

My blog is a learning tool for me to establish how a blog works and... more importantly, how I can make it work for me!
Key areas that I'm looking at working on/learning about include;
- Setting up a blog to encourage interaction between groups of people
- Learning about 'blog spotting' and how to monitor what's going on
- And attempting to be as 'tech-savy' as my boss thinks I am!!
